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"Constructive Real Numbers in the Agda Proof Assistant", talk by Zach Murray at CQTS @ NYU Abu Dhabi
Proving in Constructive Mathematics by Programming in Agda Course by Uma Zalakain | Session 3
Anders Mörtberg – Cubical Agda
"Applied and Computational Topology", talk by Dmitry Kozlov at CQTS @ NYU Abu Dhabi
Announcing the agda-unimath formalisation stream
Andre Knispel's talk on Cedille inspired proof assistant
Elaborating Dependent (Co)pattern Matching
Now you try: writing your first Agda program
Agda Problem Session 3: Identity types, Σ-types & universes (Johannes) -- HoTTEST Summer School 2022
[CPP'23] Computing Cohomology Rings in Cubical Agda
Symmetry Book in Cubical Agda stream #15
Urs Schreiber - Equivariant Super Homotopy Theory I